Compart - Document- and Output-Management

How Many Goals Did Diego Maradona Score at the 1982 World Cup in Spain?

Bernd Steglich, Compart AG


Meta Data & Concepts

An internet search will provide approx. 3.010.000 results to this question.In the main the results are unstructured. But for this question we expect an exact answer.

To achieve this we need data about the results provided. Both a theory and a valid solution to this requirement can be provided by the "Semantic Web" or alternatively by generating metadata. Metadata can be transposed into the various data formats used by DMS and OMS systems.

Bernd Steglich

Since January 1st, 2010, Bernd Steglich is in charge of the education devision at Compart. He is involved into output management and related projects and technologies for more than 15 years. His focus is on applications and customer needs, especially in the field of AFP architecture.

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